Jesus The Healer Filipino Church

Jesus The Healer Filipino Church

Come … let us praise and worship God together!

Welcome to
Jesus The Healer Filipino Church

Are you hungry to know more about God’s Word?  Are you searching for the truth?  You’ve come to the right place!

Jesus The Healer Filipino Church is all about God’s Word and how He wants us to apply it to our lives.  

We believe that the fruit of the spirit in evidence in our walk and studying the Word will bring us closer to Him and closer to our family of believers.  It will help us lead others to the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Come to worship with us! We’d love to have you join us each and every day and we encourage you to walk in His Word and live a life of faith, hope and love!

You will never be the same!

John 8:31-32

Visual Verse of the Day

"But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst..." John 4:13-14

Study the Word

If you want to learn more about the Word of God, you’re in the right place. Read more to learn how we you can know Him more and grow in your faith!

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Jesus The Healer Filipino Church.
We look forward to meeting you, digitally and in person! If you need prayer or assistance, please contact us!

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